No Greater Joy

No Greater Joy

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Our Merry Christmas

It was such a wonderful Christmas again this year. As usual it seems the kids got everything they asked for and more. We still have one more Christmas to do at Grandma's tomorrow night, but the girls had a great day yesterday and today playing with all their new stuff! HEM's big present was a digital camera. She'd been asking for one for a while, and it is even purple! Other than that she got a lot of clothes, books, and girly stuff in general. EMM's big present was a box full of Tinker Bell stuff. She also got books, clothes, etc. GEM got what most 2 year old's like. Stuff for her baby doll, kitchen, and Little People, and books and games. The girls made daddy a Green Bay flannel tie blanket and the older two made a blanket for GEM, too. Daddy enjoyed some clothes, man toys, and yummy treats while I added some new Willow Trees to my collection.

God is good and we have certainly been blessed more than we deserve. The best is how thankful my girls are for all they receive. They don't seem to take it for granted and even the little gifts thrill them to pieces! They have never complained about what they receive. Tomorrow will be fun with grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, and cousins! I also hope to hear from my family back home that celebrated their Christmas together today!

I hope everyone had a merry Christmas!!

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