No Greater Joy

No Greater Joy

Monday, December 26, 2011

The View From Here

An emptiness remains where you use to be.
The conversations
And memories shared

I do not wish to fill the void.
Nothing can fill it.

Your celebration must be grand
with no more trails of sorrow or sickness.
No more longings for what you yourself lost.
Your reunions are spectacular!
Your dreams come to full realization.
Surrounded by holiness and majesty.

Someday I will reunite with you as well.
I know you'll be waiting
but my time is not now.
Until then the void will remain.
I will walk this journey with those I still have.
The conversations
And memories shared will be passed on.
Always accompanied by tears
but never with regrets.


patsy said...

So beautiful and yes the void can never be filled and always remember the memories will get us thru till we see them again we love you

Obiuser said...

Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once
cara menyembuhkan luka borok bernanah dan berair tanpa membekas, Inilah 15 Jenis Makanan Sehat Untuk Meningkatkan Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh,