No Greater Joy

No Greater Joy

Friday, January 22, 2010

From One Homeschool Mom to Another...

I'm currently watching my kids, along with a friend, play Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader on the Wii. I'm realizing how much I don't know in the process! We had some icy weather here in the Midwest this week resulting in my husband having 2 days home with us. Although many kids were out of school, my kids don't have that problem since they're homeschooled. At this point they really don't even ask about days off much anymore. Because my husband was home, we were actually able to accomplish more on those days since he could entertain GEM during some of our work time. It was refreshing to get more done! We even accomplished some art which I am not very good at doing. We did crayon drawings and washed over them with watercolors. I'll post a couple of pictures. They did some with their names, so I won't show those. It is so fun and exciting for me to see the girls learning so many things and watching their excitement at learning every little thing. At this point we plan to send HEM to public school next year where her daddy teaches part time. She is SO excited for this. I think it'll be harder for me than her. It's hard for me to relinquish control of her education! I hope she has good teachers that like involved parents. HAHA! I know homeschooling isn't for everyone just as public school isn't for everyone. HEM will have the opportunity to have Christian school, homeschool, and public school education when all is said and done. I'm so proud of my children and their tender hearts and curious minds. I'm proud that that are compassionate and eager to learn, creative and obedient. I am very blessed and will not take for granted how fortunate I am that God has given me these children to care for. I'm especially thankful that even in today's economy we can still find a way for me to be home full time with the girls. The time with our children will seem to flee from us as quickly as our favorite song is sung. I have really been thinking more about how to cherish the time with my children so that I don't regret my decisions in the future. At least with the homeschooling I feel I have given my girls a part of who I am, a clear understanding of my priorities, and conversations that I don't have to share with a stranger. My husband and I are the main influence and no one has their best interest at heart outside of God. I hope all of you homeschool moms feel blessed by this reminder. Some days are hard. We may not get a paycheck or adult conversation much, but we get hugs and kisses! :)

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