No Greater Joy

No Greater Joy

Thursday, March 15, 2012

An Extraordinary Mom I Am NOT!

Well I'm doing something new here! I love Hearts at Home and am excited to be going to the National Conference for my fourth year this weekend! I've joined their list of bloggers since I like to write and wanted the challenge, so here goes!

I've been thinking about this topic for days! How some days you just feel like an ordinary mom. However, I feel like too many days I'm ordinary when I'd love to be extraordinary! It is SO easy to get caught up in the routines that come with kids. Dance classes, speech competition, AWANA club, youth group, school, track, student council, and on and on the list goes. I love that my job has the same hours as my kids, but when we get home it's the same rush day after day! Do the homework, clean your rooms, help with supper, clean the dishes, check the homework, showers and bedtime routines. What is so great about that? I am learning little by little that I need to purposely become an EXTRAordinary mom. What can I add to the ordinary routines to make them special or *gasp* fun?! Sometimes I just have to let go of what "I" think needs to be done. After all, that same mess will be there tomorrow regardless of whether they clean it up today. How can I play games with them while doing homework to make it memorable for the test and when they grow up? My kids love to help me cook and it gives us time together. This beautiful weather is a set up for eating on the deck or in the sunroom, too. Nothing requires money or even extra time, but it turns the ordinary into something EXTRAordinary for me AND my kids!

So the question is posed:
If you could have a superpower....

Honestly as a mother of 3 girls I don't get to watch superhero stuff much. The princess theme has engulfed my life for over 13 years now (except my little 5 year old that loves The Avatar cartoon series)! I have always said that the one ability I would love to have is that of Mary Poppins. I would love to snap my fingers and see a task finished! I love that with Mary the kids were happy, fulfilled their responsibilities, had fun, and never wanted to lose her.

Ephesians 3:20
"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us."
Though I'll not have the powers of the fictional Mary Poppins, I am reminded that it's not fantasy or fiction I need to give me power to be EXTRAordinary, it is only Him...Jesus...who provides me with all the power I need if I embrace the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to guide me into my desire for EXTRAordinary!

So how about it moms? What makes you EXTRAordinary and what powers have you secretly wished for!! Please share!

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