I've really spent a lot of time reflecting and praying the last couple of months. I have struggled with failures and not measuring up for so long though much of it is not justified. I have really been feeling so down because of so many marriages I've seen falling apart, especially among people I know. I begin wondering how Satan wants to attack my marriage. I've decided I will not let that happen.
I have really rededicated myself to my marriage. I love my husband with all that I am. I know I haven't been the wife he needs and I am working actively to change that. It is so easy to get caught up in day to day routines and being a mom, working full time, volunteering, etc. However, my first responsibility is to my husband.
Even after we've been married for over 13 years I find I am able to start some things new and lay down the weights that have been holding me down. I have truly enjoyed more time and conversations with my husband. We feel we've reconnected, something we've long needed.
We're in this marriage for the long haul! Till death do we part. I realize I am fighting a battle for my marriage. A battle against Satan and the world. We have 3 beautiful daughters that remind us what's important too.